A Story That Inspires

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Angela Morales Is a prized essay writer who’s work has scene gained public opinion with her amazing storytelling. Her most notable pieces of literature would include “The Girls in my Town“, a non fictional narrative of her life growing up in Los Angeles to present day. This autobiographical essay hold many tales of her family. I would describe her as reserved yet expressive in her writing. Proud and determined individual when she speaks about her early childhood. She talks about the importance of not just where you are from but where you live. These twelve essay comprise her childhood motherhood and everything in between.

I asked her what her favorite part of being a writer was at her book signing and she had this to say. “What is there not to love I get to be in a room like this and talk about the story that I have to share.” Her convictions allow her to accept her strengths and her flaws and put them together to make something beautiful, or at least what I think. My first impression was that hearing someone talk about there twelve essays sounded like a bot of a drag. I did not have much high expectations going into this and then I heard what she had to say. She effortlessly weaves a tale of intrigue when by all accounts is a story of what she lived through. She has inspired me to stop and really look back at what I have done over the years and appreciate the importance that they have on my life.

She currently is a professor of creative writing at Glendale Community College and is currently working on her second collection. It would be funny if she call this one The Boys In My Town, Ha I made a joke.
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I grew up believing that Authors of great books where reclusive forty six year old white men who had nothing else better to do… I was wrong. The very first authors I have ever scene before were successful and inspiring women who wher determined enough to share what they had to say. This broke the mold for me that I unfortunately kept in the back of my mind as the norm. I myself am fearful because I do not yet know what I want to do with my life. But the words of the amazing Shane Koyczan ”  Remember that you are an artist, regardless of how constantly the world will try to drive it out of you or how a “real job” will try to bury the part of you that communicates your feelings when language fails, you, are an artist. Whether it’s with food, or building robots, you will know your medium the instant you realize how in love you are with what it brings out of you,” I have yet to find but I am determined to find out what it is


Well That Happened

Well this has drawn to a close and to be a bit frank I am not quite sure how I even got here in the first place. It feels like I was just a newly high school graduate and now am coming to end of my very first semester of college.

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I never thought that what I would learn in this small span of time would shake the very fundamentals of writing that I grew up learning. I was not a very outspoken person, true i talked a lot I really don’t translate that in my writing that well. I love poetry but can I can often undermine my own confidence with the false premise that what I have to offer is not worth sharing. Could my grade be better absolutely but that does not change that what I learn will impact my success like how a tree carves through stone. Its shown that the root of knowledge can break through the greatest of barriers but they mus be planted here. Not everyone has heard or will hear my voice but know that what I have to say will one day echo through the eternities or so I hope.

I know in my heart that I still have so much to say but I still need the time to process it. This blog thing was at first a trivial task for me but the more effort I put into my work the more I appreciated it. I wish I made the most of my time with this site and in the future I will want to look back at this and get my creative juices flowing again.

What I may have had a disagreement with is probably the commenting of others blogs but that is more out of my own laziness at times and I enjoyed what others had to say. I wish that I could have done more of these blogs in class surrounded by my peers and not distracted like at home. Did this task challenge me to a point where I did not feel comfortable yes but that is the great thing about a challenge. It puts you into a new sphere of knowledge you never thought possible, like this bike.

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Weird right? Over the years I lived by a moral compass that I was inspired by the wise words of a Mr. Shane Koyczan ( cant pronounce the last name). He is a spoken word pet and is my favorite poet of all time. He can mix meaning into understanding like it was his first language and if you get the chance check him out you wont be disappointed. In one of his piece “How To Be A Person” there are basic principles that we as a species should work on in order to improve our lives.

“love is a currency that functions in reverse because the only way to be wealthy with it, is to give more of it away.”(Koyczan) I aspire to be remembered and my writing will be one of the ways that my voice will live on. I want my life to remembered even if my face is forgotten. This is probably the babbling of a crazy person but we owe it to ourselves to live a life worth remembering so … live.


All the Kings Men Book Review

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The novel All the Kings Men by Robert Penn Warren tells the tale of politics in the deep south in america. The 1930’s hold one of the most meticulous and coercive men to ever step into Louisiana for a generation. Willie Stark h with good intentions has become corrupt and with the help of a Jack Burden they navigate the political sphere to bring prosperity to the commoners. By any means necessary uses back ally deals and blackmail to remove anyone who would stand in his way. Attracting the attention of the most unruly of folk he most keep on his toes and keep close to his trustworthy allies. This tale is told in many different points in time as well as speak from different perspectives to capture the rise and fall of this political giant of the south.

I admire the thematic richness that is similar to a quit similar novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. You feel a sense of first hand account of the story as though you are witnessing greatness being made. The changing viewpoint provide an interesting element of storytelling that I  would not expect from a book such as this. Willie Stark and Jack Burden’s perspective intertwined makes the filling of backstory and context all the more enjoyable to read. I completely understand how the cinematic version got such great reviews. This book however complex allows a great opportunity for discussion among peers in a class setting.

Some drawbacks that I feel obligated to point out is how the story can be rather difficult to follow at times. The switches between stories, flash forwards and flashback can be overwhelming but that could very well be an issue that I have. I rather disliked the moral grey area that we find our main character working under. His actions are by all means criminal but his intentions to better his society has you pause and contemplate. Wanting for his actions put him in jail or worse and still rooting that he gets away with it.

In conclusion my impressions of this book overall are still rather conflicting in deciding if this book is good or bad. Its similar to the state we find Stark in on many occasions and having Jack keep keep him on the straight and narrow. This books challenges conventional norms that would otherwise be left untested until read. Complex in nature this book is further enhances by its use of storytelling. It left me asking this question: Does the ends justify the means and if so how do you make sure that it does?


Slice Of Life Reflection

I myself wanted to blog every single day of the challenge but I chose to slack off on good and easy work. But hey I am still proud of the work I did put up and that is a win in my book. Its kind of funny how satisfying it is to not do something. I remember this one stand up comedian commented on something similar. “Its 100% easier not to do things than to do them – especially when you were supposed to do them. In terms of instant relief, cancelling plans is like heroin,”( John Mulaney)

He is a true visionary but not words that I would live by. I learned in this time that I have stories to tell and I enjoy telling them. I believe I will continue to add to my blog with these little slices of life regardless if the challenge is over I find this therapeutic. I cant wait to keep going and see what else  I have to offer. I would totally do this again because now  I know what to right. My writing confidence as grown in the past months and I bring on the next challenge.Image result for supernatural gif

I loved the last blog I did with the writers workshop and that inspirational author Deon. I enjoyed the notes that I written down about making the right backstory for a character and it is what drives an amazing narrative. Not everyone can become a great artist but a great artist can come from anyone. If I were to see myself successful in my eyes I have to strive for excellence and work as if I am the next big thing. The only thing I say would be a let down with this challenge is to make each one spectacular,  it is easy to just hash out a lack luster post with very little substance. But that is were the challenge and reward lies in the reaping of a tough sough.


What I Know So Far

This past week I got to meet a real life author for the first time. This is a big deal for me because she had a presence in the room when she spoke that demanded respect. Her name is Natashia Deon and her book is Grace.

I myself have not yet read it but I wanted to talk about what she had to teach us about storytelling. She first by quoting one of her favorite  quotes from a film.

“According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible” ( Bee Movie)

She likes to see her students as the next great writer or author of tomorrow. 

It a lovely sentiment that I admire in her workshop among other things , which I will get to in a minute. She had us describe the room we were in for about a couple minutes and i found that simple yet unfamiliar to me. She wanted us to be able to describe a room from different perspectives in order to build a back story. How you describe if you were feeling sad would ultimately alter the way you see things.

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She then discuses the tools of the backstory  and how history builds a character. Before your characters go to war they must build history that will lead them to the battlefield. Imagine how they build the final battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.

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I enjoyed the time that I took to slow down and just listen to great advice in order to better myself. Mrs. Deon is an amazing author and all around great person and if she were to speak again I would hear what more wisdom she can instill in a curious heart like mine.

This is my dream job of mine. This Riot Games HQ for the popular computer game League of Legends. I want to become an artist that works with amazing designers on developing and improving my favorite game.


This is a dream that I want to create into a goal of mine. There is a low acceptance rate so I have to go above and beyond to show that I have what it takes. There will be an internship that that will open applications on the 1st of December and at the end of February. So I will be improving my skill to show what it takes to learn from the best. Wish me luck and I will keep you updated as much as possible, wish me luck.


Me So Far

I do not quite decided what I want to read next for my book report. I think I will read the book called “All The Kings Men”. During the 1930s this book takes place in the south  following the exploits of a Willie Stark a political figure in the deep south. A quite ambitious man through means of intimidation and blackmail to forward his agenda of bring them through there poverty. The conflict arise when his political opponents begin to scheme and undermine his authority. It seams like an interesting read and cant wait to share my findings with you in me next book review. So lately I have been crazy sick from the flu that I am still trying to break my fever.


I just recently went to go see the It movie by Stephan King  with a couple of friends and dude was that unsettling good film. I laughed just as much as I screamed in the movie. It is based off that old Stephan King book you read in middle school that probably kept you up at night. Yeah those were the days, and you wonder why kids don’t want to go outside and the parents who don’t want them to. That is a bit of one of the themes in this story , the stranger danger and a kids fear of there own imagination.  17632177_1388557637831190_3930730815628374813_o-2[1]

I highly recommend watching this movie especially with friends because its more enjoyable and you feel more comfortable screaming at the top of your lungs. I know I did even if this was my first real rated R horror film. But what I learned is that “courage is like a muscle; its strengthen with use like the Winchesters from “Supernatural”.tumblr_lpxptcPAiw1qimkac[1]

This has been my first weekly check in and I feel confident that this went quite well. I am looking forward to coming back and bringing you another check in.






Animal Farm Book Review




The novel  “Animal Farm”, George Orwell reflects the merits of revolution through the perspective of  farm animals. A prized pig named “Old Major”  who is regarded as the wisest among them fuels the sparks of rebellion. They form a new philosophy and law called “ animalism” which believes in he idea of all animals equal. Old Major would continue on and preach about the humans take to much and give very little. The book is the continuation of what happens after the farm animals revolt against their oppressors and succeed.

There was a lot of interest in the idea of an animal uprising. These characters are far more relatable than the actual humans. It challenged the existentialism that what is being human. There is a blurred line between man and beast that may not be distinguished between the two. The underlying allegory on communism and the distribution of power equally among animals is present.

What I do not like about animal farm i the bleakness of it all when they basically have everything they would want. These animals embody all the relatable humans aspects of ourselves and are living miserably. There humanity is what corrupted them to turn against each other for the sake of equality. I struck a sense of misery in which I feel basic human nature itself can be greedy and selfish.

My overall impression is that the qualities in us that we can recognize are what we now come to despise. The similarities are almost unrecognizable by the end of the novel. I would say read this novel if you want to think. Freedom is only a matter of perspective  found it heartbreaking at times on what constitutes order. Power is unfair and unjust but is a necessary evil in order for one’s society to succeed but power can be all consuming.



10 Random Facts

  1. I love Cinnamon Roles even though they are unhealthy for me. Just the thought of having one gets me all excited like its my birthday , even when I know I have a cavity already.

2.  Parks and Recreation is one of my favorite shows on Netflix ever and I talk about constantly. My friends compare me to this character on the show named Andrew Dwyer because he is not too bright but has a big heart, that and he is played by one of the coolest actors ever Chris Pratt.

3. I believe myself to be a very kind person but sometimes I feel that finding and making friends are a bit hard for me. I am still optimistic and always looking for new people to meet and talk with.

4. Traveling is a big deal for me since my mentality is that traveling is the cure for ignorance.  Been to several places in Latin America such as Costa Rica, Mexico and have even took a 4 day trek through the jungles of Peru to Machu Picchu.

5. Drawing and Sculpting  have been hobbies of mine for the longest time and I could imagine myself in a career which has me design for shirts. Since I have been a little kid I would create sculptures of monsters and stuff out of grocery store twist ties that you get from the produce section and have gotten pretty good at it.20160809_23305420170417_125122

6. My past time mainly include play this card game called Magic: The Gathering with my friends at m local game store. It promotes strategy and team building which both I love to keep working on.

7. I enjoy cooking a lot and I have a real talent for it. Its a bit funny since cooking is more enjoyable for me then actually eating. The act of serving somebody else that I freely give is fun for me.

8. Watching movies are another past time for me and my favorite movies would be Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, and Dinotopia , yes I am pretty much a dinosaur nerd but proud. That is why I pretty much got into Magic.

9. I love getting up in the morning I know it’s so bazaar but its true. The feeling of making breakfast listening to the sound of birds singing and the sky tinted with a sunrise its therapeutic for me.

10. I love telling jokes and riddles even if people don’t get it. When I don’t get it I feel like an idiot but once my gears start turn I get all excited and break into laughter.